Edward Bawden wallpaper

Over the last couple of years we've had the honour of adding a selection of wallpapers created by Edward Bawden (1903-1989) to our St Jude's Studio Archive range, reissuing classic wallpaper designs (some never previously commercially produced) by a number of twentieth-century designers.

Edward Bawden CBE RA (1903-1989) was a British painter, illustrator and graphic artist – training under Paul Nash in the 1920s. His first one-man show was in 1933.

During the Second World War, Edward Bawden served as one of the Official War Artist for Britain. He made many evocative watercolour paintings recording the war effort in Europe and the Middle East.

With a well-established reputation as a designer, illustrator, printmaker and painter, he also designed posters and ceramics, blurring the boundary between fine and applied arts.

Forthcoming wallpapers

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